Wow, it's been a while. You turn around and you find it's been three weeks since your last post. Hope everyone out in blogland is cool. I'm good. Just been busy. Been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting. I recently turned 26 (on February 15th). It was truly one of the best b-day's ever. I was taken out to lunch, had a surprise b-day celebration, and hung out with some friends at a cool bar & lounge in DC. I was tore up (and I mean tore up) for the first time in my life. I had a good time though (and that's all that matters). The tickets for the MJB and Jay-Z concert also went on sale on my b-day. One of my friends luckily scored some the same day and I'll be tagging along. I've never seen either artist live so I'm really excited about it.
Though I'm a year older, I still feel the same. I don't have any qualms or issues with growing older. I embrace it. Seeing those numbers change each year is a blessing. Just being able to get up each day makes me happy. It's as simple as that. Family, friends, good health, job, a home, food, clothes, etc. all make it that much sweeter. At 26, I know there's still more to learn. I'm a student--in this life, for this life--for life. Still so many places to go, so many things to do, so many people to meet. Wherever the journey takes me--that's where I'll be.

Before I head out - please check out
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More to come later. Until then.... Peace & Many Blessings!!!
Now playing:
Chaka Khan - Super Life
via FoxyTunes
There's definitely a lot to learn in this game called life. Nice to see that you were living it up for your 26th. Here's to many more.
Happy Belated Birthday,
Ahhh to be 26 again, lol
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